Install the Dapr CLI
You’ll use the Dapr CLI as the main tool for various Dapr-related tasks. You can use it to:
- Run an application with a Dapr sidecar.
- Review sidecar logs.
- List running services.
- Run the Dapr dashboard.
The Dapr CLI works with both self-hosted and Kubernetes environments.
Before you begin
In Docker Desktop’s advanced options, verify you’ve allowed the default Docker socket to be used. This option is not available if you are using WSL integration on Windows.
Step 1: Install the Dapr CLI
Install from Terminal
Install the latest Linux Dapr CLI to /usr/local/bin
wget -q -O - | /bin/bash
Installing a specific CLI version
The following example shows how to install CLI version 1.14.1
. You can also install release candidates by specifying the version (for example, 1.10.0-rc.3
wget -q -O - | /bin/bash -s 1.14.1
Install without sudo
If you do not have access to the sudo
command or your username is not in the sudoers
file, you can install Dapr to an alternate directory via the DAPR_INSTALL_DIR
environment variable. This directory must already exist and be accessible by the current user.
wget -q -O - | DAPR_INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/dapr" /bin/bash
Installing a specific CLI version without sudo
The following example shows how to install CLI version 1.14.1
. You can also install release candidates by specifying the version (for example, 1.10.0-rc.3
wget -q -O - | DAPR_INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/dapr" /bin/bash -s 1.14.1
Install from Command Prompt
Install the latest windows Dapr cli to $Env:SystemDrive\dapr
and add this directory to the User PATH environment variable:
powershell -Command "iwr -useb | iex"
Note: Updates to PATH might not be visible until you restart your terminal application.
Installing a specific CLI version
The following example shows how to install CLI version 1.14.1
. You can also install release candidates by specifying the version (for example, 1.10.0-rc.3
powershell -Command "$script=iwr -useb; $block=[ScriptBlock]::Create($script); invoke-command -ScriptBlock $block -ArgumentList 1.14.1"
Install without administrative rights
If you do not have admin rights, you can install Dapr to an alternate directory via the DAPR_INSTALL_DIR
environment variable. The script below creates the directory if it does not exist.
$Env:DAPR_INSTALL_DIR = "<your_alt_install_dir_path>"
$script=iwr -useb; $block=[ScriptBlock]::Create($script); invoke-command -ScriptBlock $block -ArgumentList "", "$Env:DAPR_INSTALL_DIR"
Installing a specific CLI version without administrative rights
The following example shows how to install CLI version 1.14.1
. You can also install release candidates by specifying the version (for example, 1.10.0-rc.3
$Env:DAPR_INSTALL_DIR = "<your_alt_install_dir_path>"
$script=iwr -useb; $block=[ScriptBlock]::Create($script); invoke-command -ScriptBlock $block -ArgumentList "1.14.1", "$Env:DAPR_INSTALL_DIR"
Install using winget
Install the latest Windows Dapr CLI to $Env:SystemDrive\dapr
and add this directory to the user PATH environment variable:
winget install Dapr.CLI
For preview releases:
Install the latest preview release:
winget install Dapr.CLI.Preview
Install using MSI installer
Each release of the Dapr CLI also includes an installer for Windows. You can manually download the MSI:
- Download the MSI package
from latest Dapr release. - Navigate to the downloaded MSI file and double-click the file to run it.
- Follow the installation prompts to accept the license and the installation directory. The selected folder is added to the user PATH environment variable. The default value is set to
. - Click
to start the installation. You will see a final message once the installation is complete.
Install from Terminal
Install the latest Darwin Dapr CLI to /usr/local/bin
curl -fsSL | /bin/bash
Installing a specific CLI version
The following example shows how to install CLI version 1.14.1
. You can also install release candidates by specifying the version (for example, 1.10.0-rc.3
curl -fsSL | /bin/bash -s 1.14.1
For ARM64 Macs:
When installing from the terminal, native ARM64 binaries are available.
To install Rosetta emulation:
softwareupdate --install-rosetta
Install from Homebrew
Install via Homebrew:
brew install dapr/tap/dapr-cli
For ARM64 Macs:
For ARM64 Macs, Homebrew 3.0 and higher versions are supported. Update Homebrew to 3.0.0 or higher and then run the command below:
arch -arm64 brew install dapr/tap/dapr-cli
Install without sudo
If you do not have access to the sudo
command or your username is not in the sudoers
file, you can install Dapr to an alternate directory via the DAPR_INSTALL_DIR
environment variable. This directory must already exist and be accessible by the current user.
curl -fsSL | DAPR_INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/dapr" /bin/bash
Installing a specific CLI version without sudo
The following example shows how to install CLI version 1.14.1
. You can also install release candidates by specifying the version (for example, 1.10.0-rc.3
curl -fsSL | DAPR_INSTALL_DIR="$HOME/dapr" -s 1.14.1
Each release of Dapr CLI includes various OSes and architectures. You can manually download and install these binary versions.
- Download the desired Dapr CLI from the latest Dapr Release.
- Unpack it (e.g. dapr_linux_amd64.tar.gz,
- Move it to your desired location.
- For Linux/MacOS, we recommend
. - For Windows, create a directory and add this to your System PATH. For example:
- Create a directory called
. - Add your newly created directory to your User PATH, by editing your system environment variable.
- Create a directory called
- For Linux/MacOS, we recommend
Step 2: Verify the installation
Verify the CLI is installed by restarting your terminal/command prompt and running the following:
dapr -h
____/ /___ _____ _____
/ __ / __ '/ __ \/ ___/
/ /_/ / /_/ / /_/ / /
\__,_/\__,_/ .___/_/
Distributed Application Runtime
dapr [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generates shell completion scripts
components List all Dapr components. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
configurations List all Dapr configurations. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
dashboard Start Dapr dashboard. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted
help Help about any command
init Install Dapr on supported hosting platforms. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted
invoke Invoke a method on a given Dapr application. Supported platforms: Self-hosted
list List all Dapr instances. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted
logs Get Dapr sidecar logs for an application. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
mtls Check if mTLS is enabled. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
publish Publish a pub-sub event. Supported platforms: Self-hosted
run Run Dapr and (optionally) your application side by side. Supported platforms: Self-hosted
status Show the health status of Dapr services. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
stop Stop Dapr instances and their associated apps. . Supported platforms: Self-hosted
uninstall Uninstall Dapr runtime. Supported platforms: Kubernetes and self-hosted
upgrade Upgrades a Dapr control plane installation in a cluster. Supported platforms: Kubernetes
version Print the Dapr runtime and CLI version
-h, --help help for dapr
-v, --version version for dapr
Use "dapr [command] --help" for more information about a command.
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