Quickstart: Service-to-component resiliency
Observe Dapr resiliency capabilities by simulating a system failure. In this Quickstart, you will:
- Execute a microservice application that continuously persists and retrieves state via Dapr’s state management API.
- Trigger resiliency policies by simulating a system failure.
- Resolve the failure and the microservice application will resume.

Select your preferred language-specific Dapr SDK before proceeding with the Quickstart.
For this example, you will need:
Step 1: Set up the environment
Clone the sample provided in the Quickstarts repo.
git clone https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts.git
In a terminal window, navigate to the order-processor
cd ../state_management/python/sdk/order-processor
Install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Step 2: Run the application
Run the order-processor
service alongside a Dapr sidecar. The Dapr sidecar then loads the resiliency spec located in the resources directory:
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Resiliency
name: myresiliency
- order-processor
policy: constant
duration: 5s
maxRetries: -1
maxRequests: 1
timeout: 5s
trip: consecutiveFailures >= 5
retry: retryForever
circuitBreaker: simpleCB
dapr run --app-id order-processor --resources-path ../../../resources/ -- python3
Once the application has started, the order-processor
service writes and reads orderId
key/value pairs to the statestore
Redis instance defined in the statestore.yaml
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '1' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '1' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '2' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '2' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '3' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '3' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '4' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '4' }
Step 3: Introduce a fault
Simulate a fault by stopping the Redis container instance that was initialized when executing dapr init
on your development machine. Once the instance is stopped, write and read operations from the order-processor
service begin to fail.
Since the resiliency.yaml
spec defines statestore
as a component target, all failed requests will apply retry and circuit breaker policies:
retry: retryForever
circuitBreaker: simpleCB
In a new terminal window, run the following command to stop Redis:
docker stop dapr_redis
Once Redis is stopped, the requests begin to fail and the retry policy titled retryForever
is applied. The output below shows the logs from the order-processor
INFO[0006] Error processing operation component[statestore] output. Retrying...
As per the retryForever
policy, retries will continue for each failed request indefinitely, in 5 second intervals.
policy: constant
maxInterval: 5s
maxRetries: -1
Once 5 consecutive retries have failed, the circuit breaker policy, simpleCB
, is tripped and the breaker opens, halting all requests:
INFO[0026] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from closed to open
maxRequests: 1
timeout: 5s
trip: consecutiveFailures >= 5
After 5 seconds has surpassed, the circuit breaker will switch to a half-open state, allowing one request through to verify if the fault has been resolved. If the request continues to fail, the circuit will trip back to the open state.
INFO[0031] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from open to half-open
INFO[0031] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from half-open to open
INFO[0036] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from open to half-open
INFO[0036] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from half-open to closed
This half-open/open behavior will continue for as long as the Redis container is stopped.
Step 3: Remove the fault
Once you restart the Redis container on your machine, the application will recover seamlessly, picking up where it left off.
docker start dapr_redis
INFO[0036] Recovered processing operation component[statestore] output.
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '5' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '5' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '6' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '6' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '7' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '7' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '8' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '8' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '9' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '9' }
For this example, you will need:
Step 1: Set up the environment
Clone the sample provided in the Quickstarts repo.
git clone https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts.git
In a terminal window, navigate to the order-processor
cd ../state_management/javascript/sdk/order-processor
Install dependencies
npm install
Step 2: Run the application
Run the order-processor
service alongside a Dapr sidecar. The Dapr sidecar then loads the resiliency spec located in the resources directory:
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Resiliency
name: myresiliency
- checkout
policy: constant
maxInterval: 5s
maxRetries: -1
maxRequests: 1
timeout: 5s
trip: consecutiveFailures >= 5
retry: retryForever
circuitBreaker: simpleCB
dapr run --app-id order-processor --resources-path ../../../resources/ -- npm start
Once the application has started, the order-processor
service writes and reads orderId
key/value pairs to the statestore
Redis instance defined in the statestore.yaml
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '1' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '1' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '2' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '2' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '3' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '3' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '4' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '4' }
Step 3: Introduce a fault
Simulate a fault by stopping the Redis container instance that was initialized when executing dapr init
on your development machine. Once the instance is stopped, write and read operations from the order-processor
service begin to fail.
Since the resiliency.yaml
spec defines statestore
as a component target, all failed requests will apply retry and circuit breaker policies:
retry: retryForever
circuitBreaker: simpleCB
In a new terminal window, run the following command to stop Redis:
docker stop dapr_redis
Once Redis is stopped, the requests begin to fail and the retry policy titled retryForever
is applied. The output below shows the logs from the order-processor
INFO[0006] Error processing operation component[statestore] output. Retrying...
As per the retryForever
policy, retries will continue for each failed request indefinitely, in 5 second intervals.
policy: constant
maxInterval: 5s
maxRetries: -1
Once 5 consecutive retries have failed, the circuit breaker policy, simpleCB
, is tripped and the breaker opens, halting all requests:
INFO[0026] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from closed to open
maxRequests: 1
timeout: 5s
trip: consecutiveFailures >= 5
After 5 seconds has surpassed, the circuit breaker will switch to a half-open state, allowing one request through to verify if the fault has been resolved. If the request continues to fail, the circuit will trip back to the open state.
INFO[0031] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from open to half-open
INFO[0031] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from half-open to open
INFO[0036] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from open to half-open
INFO[0036] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from half-open to closed
This half-open/open behavior will continue for as long as the Redis container is stopped.
Step 3: Remove the fault
Once you restart the Redis container on your machine, the application will recover seamlessly, picking up where it left off.
docker start dapr_redis
INFO[0036] Recovered processing operation component[statestore] output.
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '5' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '5' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '6' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '6' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '7' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '7' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '8' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '8' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '9' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '9' }
For this example, you will need:
Step 1: Set up the environment
Clone the sample provided in the Quickstarts repo.
git clone https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts.git
In a terminal window, navigate to the order-processor
cd ../state_management/csharp/sdk/order-processor
Install dependencies
dotnet restore
dotnet build
Step 2: Run the application
Run the order-processor
service alongside a Dapr sidecar. The Dapr sidecar then loads the resiliency spec located in the resources directory:
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Resiliency
name: myresiliency
- checkout
policy: constant
maxInterval: 5s
maxRetries: -1
maxRequests: 1
timeout: 5s
trip: consecutiveFailures >= 5
retry: retryForever
circuitBreaker: simpleCB
dapr run --app-id order-processor --resources-path ../../../resources/ -- dotnet run
Once the application has started, the order-processor
service writes and reads orderId
key/value pairs to the statestore
Redis instance defined in the statestore.yaml
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '1' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '1' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '2' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '2' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '3' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '3' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '4' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '4' }
Step 3: Introduce a fault
Simulate a fault by stopping the Redis container instance that was initialized when executing dapr init
on your development machine. Once the instance is stopped, write and read operations from the order-processor
service begin to fail.
Since the resiliency.yaml
spec defines statestore
as a component target, all failed requests will apply retry and circuit breaker policies:
retry: retryForever
circuitBreaker: simpleCB
In a new terminal window, run the following command to stop Redis:
docker stop dapr_redis
Once Redis is stopped, the requests begin to fail and the retry policy titled retryForever
is applied. The output below shows the logs from the order-processor
INFO[0006] Error processing operation component[statestore] output. Retrying...
As per the retryForever
policy, retries will continue for each failed request indefinitely, in 5 second intervals.
policy: constant
maxInterval: 5s
maxRetries: -1
Once 5 consecutive retries have failed, the circuit breaker policy, simpleCB
, is tripped and the breaker opens, halting all requests:
INFO[0026] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from closed to open
maxRequests: 1
timeout: 5s
trip: consecutiveFailures >= 5
After 5 seconds has surpassed, the circuit breaker will switch to a half-open state, allowing one request through to verify if the fault has been resolved. If the request continues to fail, the circuit will trip back to the open state.
INFO[0031] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from open to half-open
INFO[0031] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from half-open to open
INFO[0036] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from open to half-open
INFO[0036] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from half-open to closed
This half-open/open behavior will continue for as long as the Redis container is stopped.
Step 3: Remove the fault
Once you restart the Redis container on your machine, the application will recover seamlessly, picking up where it left off.
docker start dapr_redis
INFO[0036] Recovered processing operation component[statestore] output.
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '5' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '5' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '6' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '6' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '7' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '7' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '8' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '8' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '9' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '9' }
For this example, you will need:
- Dapr CLI and initialized environment.
- Java JDK 17 (or greater):
- Oracle JDK, or
- OpenJDK
- Apache Maven, version 3.x.
Step 1: Set up the environment
Clone the sample provided in the Quickstarts repo.
git clone https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts.git
In a terminal window, navigate to the order-processor
cd ../state_management/java/sdk/order-processor
Install dependencies
mvn clean install
Step 2: Run the application
Run the order-processor
service alongside a Dapr sidecar. The Dapr sidecar then loads the resiliency spec located in the resources directory:
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Resiliency
name: myresiliency
- checkout
policy: constant
maxInterval: 5s
maxRetries: -1
maxRequests: 1
timeout: 5s
trip: consecutiveFailures >= 5
retry: retryForever
circuitBreaker: simpleCB
dapr run --app-id order-processor --resources-path ../../../resources/ -- java -jar target/OrderProcessingService-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
Once the application has started, the order-processor
service writes and reads orderId
key/value pairs to the statestore
Redis instance defined in the statestore.yaml
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '1' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '1' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '2' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '2' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '3' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '3' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '4' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '4' }
Step 3: Introduce a fault
Simulate a fault by stopping the Redis container instance that was initialized when executing dapr init
on your development machine. Once the instance is stopped, write and read operations from the order-processor
service begin to fail.
Since the resiliency.yaml
spec defines statestore
as a component target, all failed requests will apply retry and circuit breaker policies:
retry: retryForever
circuitBreaker: simpleCB
In a new terminal window, run the following command to stop Redis:
docker stop dapr_redis
Once Redis is stopped, the requests begin to fail and the retry policy titled retryForever
is applied. The output below shows the logs from the order-processor
INFO[0006] Error processing operation component[statestore] output. Retrying...
As per the retryForever
policy, retries will continue for each failed request indefinitely, in 5 second intervals.
policy: constant
maxInterval: 5s
maxRetries: -1
Once 5 consecutive retries have failed, the circuit breaker policy, simpleCB
, is tripped and the breaker opens, halting all requests:
INFO[0026] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from closed to open
maxRequests: 1
timeout: 5s
trip: consecutiveFailures >= 5
After 5 seconds has surpassed, the circuit breaker will switch to a half-open state, allowing one request through to verify if the fault has been resolved. If the request continues to fail, the circuit will trip back to the open state.
INFO[0031] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from open to half-open
INFO[0031] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from half-open to open
INFO[0036] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from open to half-open
INFO[0036] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from half-open to closed
This half-open/open behavior will continue for as long as the Redis container is stopped.
Step 3: Remove the fault
Once you restart the Redis container on your machine, the application will recover seamlessly, picking up where it left off.
docker start dapr_redis
INFO[0036] Recovered processing operation component[statestore] output.
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '5' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '5' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '6' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '6' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '7' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '7' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '8' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '8' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '9' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '9' }
For this example, you will need:
Step 1: Set up the environment
Clone the sample provided in the Quickstarts repo.
git clone https://github.com/dapr/quickstarts.git
In a terminal window, navigate to the order-processor
cd ../state_management/go/sdk/order-processor
Install dependencies
go build .
Step 2: Run the application
Run the order-processor
service alongside a Dapr sidecar. The Dapr sidecar then loads the resiliency spec located in the resources directory:
apiVersion: dapr.io/v1alpha1
kind: Resiliency
name: myresiliency
- checkout
policy: constant
maxInterval: 5s
maxRetries: -1
maxRequests: 1
timeout: 5s
trip: consecutiveFailures >= 5
retry: retryForever
circuitBreaker: simpleCB
dapr run --app-id order-processor --resources-path ../../../resources -- go run .
Once the application has started, the order-processor
service writes and reads orderId
key/value pairs to the statestore
Redis instance defined in the statestore.yaml
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '1' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '1' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '2' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '2' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '3' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '3' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '4' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '4' }
Step 3: Introduce a fault
Simulate a fault by stopping the Redis container instance that was initialized when executing dapr init
on your development machine. Once the instance is stopped, write and read operations from the order-processor
service begin to fail.
Since the resiliency.yaml
spec defines statestore
as a component target, all failed requests will apply retry and circuit breaker policies:
retry: retryForever
circuitBreaker: simpleCB
In a new terminal window, run the following command to stop Redis:
docker stop dapr_redis
Once Redis is stopped, the requests begin to fail and the retry policy titled retryForever
is applied. The output belows shows the logs from the order-processor
INFO[0006] Error processing operation component[statestore] output. Retrying...
As per the retryForever
policy, retries will continue for each failed request indefinitely, in 5 second intervals.
policy: constant
maxInterval: 5s
maxRetries: -1
Once 5 consecutive retries have failed, the circuit breaker policy, simpleCB
, is tripped and the breaker opens, halting all requests:
INFO[0026] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from closed to open
maxRequests: 1
timeout: 5s
trip: consecutiveFailures >= 5
After 5 seconds has surpassed, the circuit breaker will switch to a half-open state, allowing one request through to verify if the fault has been resolved. If the request continues to fail, the circuit will trip back to the open state.
INFO[0031] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from open to half-open
INFO[0031] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from half-open to open
INFO[0036] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from open to half-open
INFO[0036] Circuit breaker "simpleCB-statestore" changed state from half-open to closed
This half-open/open behavior will continue for as long as the Redis container is stopped.
Step 3: Remove the fault
Once you restart the Redis container on your machine, the application will recover seamlessly, picking up where it left off.
docker start dapr_redis
INFO[0036] Recovered processing operation component[statestore] output.
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '5' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '5' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '6' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '6' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '7' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '7' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '8' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '8' }
== APP == Saving Order: { orderId: '9' }
== APP == Getting Order: { orderId: '9' }
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Join the discussion in our discord channel.
Next steps
Learn more about the resiliency feature and how it works with Dapr’s building block APIs.
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